GRILL IT! (Spiral) by Tiffany Haugen
Smoke-grilled food—just the thought of it brings mouthwatering images to mind. Juicy cuts of meat, seafood, crisp vegetables and rustic breads top the list of grilled foods. While grilled food is great on its own, adding smoke dramatically accentuates the flavor.
All parts of a meal can be prepared on the grill, including appetizers, vegetables, entrees and desserts. From oak to pecan, hickory to alder, there are a wide range of woods perfect for inducing smoke flavors. Combine woods with simple-to-follow recipes like Rosemary Vegetable Skewers, Teriyaki Flank Steak, Smokey Apple Sausage, Seared Asian Tuna or Chocolate Stuffed Bananas, and the rich flavor of these foods becomes greatly accentuated.
In Grill It!, Tiffany Haugen does more than teach what woods best complement specific foods. She takes you step-by-step through nearly 100 unique, yet easy recipes she's personally developed. Once you taste the tantalizing flavor of smoke-infused grilled foods, you'll find yourself wanting more.
6 x 9 Inches, 54 Pages, All-Color, Index
All parts of a meal can be prepared on the grill, including appetizers, vegetables, entrees and desserts. From oak to pecan, hickory to alder, there are a wide range of woods perfect for inducing smoke flavors. Combine woods with simple-to-follow recipes like Rosemary Vegetable Skewers, Teriyaki Flank Steak, Smokey Apple Sausage, Seared Asian Tuna or Chocolate Stuffed Bananas, and the rich flavor of these foods becomes greatly accentuated.
In Grill It!, Tiffany Haugen does more than teach what woods best complement specific foods. She takes you step-by-step through nearly 100 unique, yet easy recipes she's personally developed. Once you taste the tantalizing flavor of smoke-infused grilled foods, you'll find yourself wanting more.
6 x 9 Inches, 54 Pages, All-Color, Index