A DREADFUL ACCIDENT - Excerpt from the book Salmon Fever: Rivers End
Posted by Nick Amato on
One of those dreadful occurrences which shock an entire community, took place in the upper part of town yesterday evening, resulting in the death of little Hazel Hanthorn, aged 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Hanthorn, and Charles Strom, a well known resident of the city.
About 6 o'clock yesterday evening, Mr. Strom was engaged in building a boat in the cannery formerly occupied by W.D. Smith, and little Hazel, the pet and pride of the household was playing around the premises. There were holes in the floor and through one of these traps the poor little thing dropped into the cold dark water beneath.
With a heroism that commands itself to all who admire valor, the man sprang after the child, to rescue her, but only fell to his death. In falling, he must have struck something and become stunned. Just what did happen cannot be clearly stated, for unfortunately, the only witness of the accident was a man who could speak no English, and it was a painfully long time, and precious minutes elapsed before he was able to secure assistance or make known the tragedy that was taking place underneath the building.
It was nearly half an hour before assistance arrived. When found, the little girl was on the man's shoulders, her little hands clasped around him in the rigidity of death. Life was evidently extinct in both bodies, and despite the most strenuous efforts on the part of the physicians summoned, it was evident that all attempts at resuscitation were useless.
The grief of the stricken mother of the sunny haired darling and of the wife of the brave man who met his death in an effort to rescue the child was a sight to move the coldest hearted to tears.
Mr. Hanthorn, who was in Portland; was immediately wired, and will be here on the Thompson this morning.
Chas. Strom was a man about 40 years of age, and highly respected by his associates. He was a member of Seaside Lodge A.O.U.W., Astor Lodge K. of P. and Beaver Lodge I.0.0.F.