Whether they use one or not, most tiers do not understand the full potential of a rotary vise—including many of the leading fly tiers in the industry. Most tiers are still just using them to see the bottom of the flies they are tying, but their uses and advantages go far beyond this.
Now with this book, the Beattys share their decades of experience and knowledge to unlock the mystery behind this type of vise and you won't believe what you have been missing. Rotary Fly-Tying Techniques main objectives are to explore a sampling of true rotary vises currently available on the market, guide tiers through the sometimes frustrating adjustments needed to use their rotary vise to the fullest, share tying tips and tricks for quickly tying effective flies, and tie 36 flies—for fresh and saltwater species—with clear instructions and step-by-step photography.
There is no other book that explains everything you need to know about rotary vises and their many advantages, you will be amazed at how a rotary vise will improve your fly-tying.
8.5 x 11, 116 pages, full-color