Shane Stalcup is a tier who approaches fly-tying with the heart and mind of both a scientist and an artist. For the first time, Shane has unveiled what many in the West consider a secret weapon—his systematic approach to imitating the mayfly. From the nymph to the spinner, every aspect of the mayfly's life cycle is explored. Shane's realistic and proven flies have been developed over 20-plus years of intense research at the vise, aquarium, and stream. With unwavering passion, Shane's flies have been designed from the fish's point of view, which is why his flies are so highly effective. Besides sharing—through step-by-step photos—all that he carries in his vest, Shane goes a step further by providing in-depth chapters on creating trailing shucks and extended bodies. The photos in this book are dazzling, but the insect photos of Japan's famous photographer Toshi Karita are presented for the first time—and they will blow you away!
All color, 8.5 x 11, 100 pages