Smoking Salmon & Steelhead - Scott & Tiffany Haugen
Posted by Nick Amato on

Introduction What you will find in these pages are workable recipes that have been time-tested in heated smokers using easy-to-find ingredients. In many cases, you'll find the handling process to be as intriguing and instrumental in deriving a specific flavor as the recipe itself. The collection of recipes in this book, both wet and dry brines, are for smoking salmon and steelhead. When dealing with these fatty fish, the objective of a wet brine is to immerse the fillets in water and desired ingredients, whereby saturating the flesh with flavors. In dry brining, the objective is similar, but the moisture...
Wild Rice Stuffed Trout Recipe by Tiffany & Scott Haugen
Posted by Susan Carter on

Wild Rice Stuffed Trout INGREDIENTS: 4-6 small trout, scaled and cleaned 4-6 sprigs parsley and/or lemon balm* 3 cups Wild Rice (page 151) 1 lemon, sliced Olive oil Salt & pepper Remove fish heads if desired. Make several shallow slits in the skin on both sides of the fish. Drizzle fish, inside and out, with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place herbs inside fish along spine. Stuff fish with cooled wild rice and top each fish with lemon slices. Place in a greased baking pan. Bake in a preheated 350° oven 20-30 minutes or until fish...